Tuesday, October 2

400 lbs of fun

No, not arnica; The Conference bike.

This past weekend, Arnica was lucky enough to be asked by David and Julie of Dutch Bikes of Seattle to participate in the Sustainable Ballard deally. Arnica is not sure what is wrong with Ballard or why anyone would want to sustain it-Burn it down, Arnica says. Anyway, Dutch Bikes of 206 has just got their hands on the newest, greatest thing to hit the streets since prostitution, namely the Conference Bike, and asked Arnica to ride it around the event, give people rides, and just have fun. Arnica did all those things.

If you can, Arnica urges you to go to Dutch Bikes of Seattle and test ride this thing with six of your closest friends or just take it out by yourself. You will make six new friends in no-time. Just ride it past any bar and you will have drunk people chasing you around for a ride.

good times, good times.

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