Monday, February 25

Willy not so chilly, but still oh-so hilly

Success. It has been proven that a fat old man can power his paunch up several hills during the course of a morning while scarfing down chilly and PB&J sandwiches.

The local weather man again failed in his attempts to scare riders away from participating in the 2008 Chilly Hilly by reporting high likelihoods of precipitation all week but especially on the day of the ride. The weather was nice and the sun shone bright on all the Lycra-clad jelly bellies, yours truly included.

Donning cute bunny ears to help usher in spring, Arnica rode the ride with fellow Team Caboose member, H-bomb, and we proceeded to bomb down the hills and come as close to standing still as one can get while pedaling up steep inclines. Team Caboose's mottoes are, "No slow is too slow," and Arnica's favorite, "Anything worth doing is worth doing in the rear." And we were doing it in the rear all morning, if you know what Arnica is talking about, Heh heh.

We spent time talking to other riders when we weren't doing it in the rear and came across a fellow with a custom bike, so custom it had a unique rear brake stay-thingy. looky here. He calls it his "hand-job." Arnica calls it cool.

What else?... Oh ya, Arnica got his picture in the newspaper, but must warn you, if you follow this link to the slide show, you will discover Arnica's top-secret alias. Please, keep it to yourself.

1 comment:

Professor Dave said...

Me dood it, too, FHR-style.